Twilight Saga - Eclipse
By Nadia Shami
I have never read the book. I only know about the Edward-Bella-Jacob love triangle by watching the films. Well, in fact I have tried listening to New Moon audio book that's why I was a little confident in explaining to my friends the vague parts of the film.
It takes a week to finish one audio book; but it takes a year to wait before you can watch each movie.
Twilight phenomenon started in 2008. When I heard the news that Twilight was coming out on theaters on November of that year, I already saw a lot of people reading the book. Okay, so what is the point of watching it when there's a book already or vice-versa? Seeing people reading the book never enticed me to read also.
November came, Twilight was already showing; it was on its second week, and I am not still watching. However, one day, I had to end my intrigue. I heard my friends talking about the movie: criticizing the actors, some scenes..etc. Now what, how come these people can't over it? So I watched.
After watching the film, I finally knew who Edward, Bella and Jacob were. And from that time on, I became a fan of--Jacob. I not trying to say the Edward's no good for Bella, but I think for a guy he is too mushy and dramatic. okay enough of it.
Let us skip New Moon and talk about Eclipse.
Man, the movie was superb! I was in awe while watching the film. Yes, you may say "how come you're amazed when its the most uninteresting book of the Saga?"
I do not think so. I think it was the best because for some reason, true love was portrayed in the film. It was in this film where Edward showed his unconditional love for Bella--actually, not only Edward but Jacob too!
In this film, there was an air of seriousness. No more boy-next-door and teenybopper scenes where only the "good looks" of Edward and Jacob were shown. Here, the real theme of the whole Twilight thing was established--both guys were expressing their deep love for Bella.
But, say, the negative parts of this film is that there were a lot of chattering. Bella talks about how she wants Edward to change her into a vampire. Edward talks about how he won't have sex with her until they're married. Jacob talks about how much he loves Bella. Bella talks about how she doesn't love Jacob. Bella's dad talks about how he doesn't trust Edward. And the Cullens talk about Victoria's nefarious plans to wipe them out.
A whole lot of chattering or not--the film was able to deliver a lesson. And this is where I begin to love Edward's character. Old school as it may seems, but its definitely the right thing to do.
*moment of silence* I guess I should leave you hanging, cos the rest of the story is for you to find out. Enjoy the film!
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Well, at least the film is an improvement from the last installment, "New Moon" which was to me one long dragging love fest.